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presto Orbweb Me Icona del segno.
presto Orbweb Me Icona del segno.


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Gerencie o conteúdo de seus dispositivos remotamente
nd and receive information. Once they're all linked to the same account, you'll be able to access all of the files and transfer anything found on the system. Orbweb.ME also lets you turn on your desktop when you're not at home and browse through it from anywhere in the world. This feature gives you access to all the files on your PC, including USB devices connected to it. Thus you'll be able to access any of your documents, even if your computer is turned off. On the other hand, you can also monitor your PC's webcams in order to see what's going on at your house if you're away on vacation, for example. Although you can't save the images, you can take screenshots, which will be sent to you via email (to be used later as evidence, should you need to make a report).